

Pruuve is
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We want to grow and develop in order to bring innovative products to the market and create jobs. To do this, we need support and funding that we can rely on. PRUUVE GmbH is therefore supported by various EU, federal and state programs, which are briefly presented below. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and funding.

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EXIST Research Transfer (Phase II)

PTJ – ab November 2024
Funding code: 03EUSSN201

PRUUVE develops and distributes UV sensors and accessories for UV measurements. The thin-film UV sensor (UV strip) is used in industrial UV processes for monitoring and quality control. Measurements are monitored and documented with a readout device (MACS). Further applications will follow. In phase II, we will continue to develop technology and products and strengthen our market position.

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Unternehmensberatung für KMU


As part of the BAFA funding for business consulting for SMEs, we carry out various consulting projects with different partners on the topics of property rights strategy, market launch of innovative products, marketing strategy, financial planning, controlling & reporting

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Markteinführung innovativer Produkte (MEP)


The market launch of UV measuring strip technology, developed as part of the PRUUVE project, aims to offer a revolutionary solution in the field of industrial processes in which UV radiation is used for drying, curing and disinfection. This project represents a significant advance, particularly in terms of the accurate measurement of UV dose, which has been an unsolved problem in quality assurance. The project builds on the findings and developments from the university research and development project PRUUVE at the Technical University to the extent of a technology transfer. As part of the funding project, the innovative measurement methodology and the readout device for use in industrial processes are to be introduced to the market. Among other things, industry-related application possibilities will be evaluated at an early stage as part of industrial partnerships.

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Technology transfer


PRUUVE GmbH is a spin-off from the Dresden Integrated Center for Applied Physics and Photonic Materials (IAPP) at TU Dresden. PRUUVE develops, produces and distributes UV sensors & UV labels as well as opto-electronic measuring devices. The sensors & labels are based on organic semiconductor devices developed at the IAPP of TU Dresden. TUD has patent applications for this technology. PRUUVE would like to acquire the rights to these patent applications as part of the project. [...] As part of the project, intellectual property rights are to be transferred, which are essential as a basis for further market launch and product development. The technology provider is the Technical University of Dresden.

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Funding code: 03TPUSN017

Our invention falls within the technical field of metrology and UV irradiation and aims to further develop an innovative UV measurement system comprising a measuring device called PRUUVE MACS (Mobile Activation Curve Setup) and a UV detection strip or UV detection ink (based on nanoparticles). This system has been specifically developed for the precise determination of the UV dose to which industrial materials are exposed in various curing processes. Accurate determination of the UV dose is crucial for improving the quality and efficiency of processes in the printing and packaging industry as well as other industries that use UV radiation for curing. Current solutions are inadequate for a number of reasons.

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EXIST Research Transfer (Phase I)

PtJ – abgeschlossen April 2024
Funding code: 03EFSSN201

Ultraviolet radiation plays an important role in many industrial processes. Various problems arise in the application in terms of success and quality control. The irradiated UV dose provides a good estimate for production processes. However, this can usually only be measured very imprecisely or not at all during the ongoing production process. Users therefore often resort to excessive overdosing, which leads to unnecessarily high energy costs and premature ageing of the UV sources and products. This problem can be solved with the help of the sensors planned in the PRUUVE (Phosphorescent Response Under UV Excitation) project. The basis is a technology that enables UV-activated, phosphorescent light emission. The proposed UV measuring strips are electronics-free, flexible and very thin (< 200 μm) and thus allow in-situ control of the UV dose. Patents for the functional principle and the application have been granted or are in the process of being granted. The first target market is specialty printing with UV curing. Close cooperation with Dr. Hönle AG (LOI) is planned for market entry with an MVP. A strong team of founders takes care of the commercialization of the technology, contributing their many years of experience in the fields of chemical and physical fundamentals & technology, Lab-2-Fab, IP, international marketing & sales, management and a strong network. It is supported by advisors and mentors with many years of experience in the fields of science, founding, financing, management and investors. With minor modifications, the UV measuring strips can also be used in other areas of application, e.g. UV disinfection. Based on the same core technology, the development of completely new concepts and products in the areas of logistics (rewritable labels) and security applications is planned in cooperation with the IAPP. Both will provide access to further attractive markets.

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c/o TU Dresden – IAP
Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
Visiting address
IAPP - Hermann-Krone-Bau
Room 2.14 - (2.OG)
Nöthnitzer Straße 61
01187 Dresden
© 2024 PRUUVE
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